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Wednesday, June 25, 2008


This is a post all about Austin and the silly things he says and does.

Here is the scenario, we are over at a friends house (Sunny) and she was making a honey and peanut butter sandwich.

Austin: Are you putting syrup on that sandwich?

Sunny: No it is honey.

Austin: Did you steal that from bees!! (angrily)

This is especially funny for those of you who have seen a Bee Movie.

Austin likes to hum the Star Wars theme music. Not just once or twice a day, throughout the entire day for the last few weeks! What is bad is when the rest of us star humming along with him.

Cody and I were watching the History Channel on how they made the iron maiden. During the program they made an iron maiden and were creating a test dummy. We assumed the kids were in their room. Silly us! After creating a dummy, they poured pig guts inside of it to make it as real as possible. Austin yells from over the couch, "Is that how they make humans!"

That's all for now!

1 comment:

Abbie said...

Oh my gosh!! Him and Ben could be total buddies. The insights are mind blowing and the singing will drive you insane. Ben is the same way!! Maybe the boys will have to spend time together in the summers...like we used to.