My friend, Annie, tagged me to write 7 quirky things about myself. So here it goes.
1. I am completely fascinated with the human anatomy. I love watching all the discovery channels that show operations, medical conditions and injuries. Trauma: life in the ER in one of my favorite. When someone gets hurt around me, kids mostly, I am the one who takes them to the hospital for stitches and watches while they get sewn up. I even watched my own finger get stitched up after an incident with the lawn mower. Someday I would love to become an RN in the ER.
2. I still watch Cops every week. I know, I work at a police department and have experienced mostly the same things that they show on Cops, but I just can't get enough.
3. This one isn't so quirky, but I am totally proud of myself and have to share. I quit smoking in February. I smoked for 12 years (off and on) and finally decided enough was enough. It was the hardest thing I have ever done. I even got Cody to quit.
4. I chew on the inside of my mouth (my cheeks). I have since I can remember.
5. I have OCD. When I am counting anything the ending number has to be an even number, or I will continue counting it until it ends on an even number. Examples, I have an even number of pictures hanging in each room, I buy 10 apples at the store and the grapes need to weigh 2 or 4 pounds. I know, really weird.
6. I love creating order/organization. That is probably why I love my job so much, I take something that is totally hectic (someone calling 911, screaming at the top of their lungs) and create order by calming them down and sending them the help they need.
7. Sorry, can't end on is not an even number!
Next I tag Abbie, Vickie and Neiko. Have fun girls!