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Monday, September 1, 2008

Timpanogos/Timpanooke Hike

We we finally attempted it. We had placced on climbing this blasted mountain last year, however, due to many circumstances we did not. This year we were able to attempt the climb. When I say attempt, I mean attempt. Daniel and Logan made it to the top and that was it. The rest of us old folk made to to Emerald Lake when our bodies decided that enough was enough. We had alot of fun, taking short cuts that ended up being long, painful cuts. All in all it was a good time.


Abbie said...

I have no idea how long or steep that hike is, but I can quarantee that I would NOT have made it either!! I like the picture of you and Cody...very cute!

Bill said...

I believe that everyone (except Logan) is still sore from the hike three days later. It was nice to have my kids support my request to 'attempt' Timp. Thank You All!!

Sorry that Cody had the additional mile uphill to get the car... but, Thanks!!

I still want the 'picture'.


Unknown said...

You get brownie points in my book for trying to do it! Eric hates hiking and will only do it if its flat and shady! What a dud!

Annie Miller said...

I've never done Timp..but I heard it's tough. I did Olympus once. It was enough for me for awhile!